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Accumulators are used by eNETPayroll to make additional calculations and either accrue information or pay out additional amounts. The most common use of accumulators is to calculate Vacation Pay owing to the employee as well as to disburse Vacation Pay on each cheque. Other uses of accumulators are to calculate Sick Entitlements, Seniority Time, Banked Time, etc.

Accumulators - This list displays the Accumulators that are defined for this payroll. When an accumulator is selected, its information is displayed in the fields to the right of the list.

Accumulators can be added to this list by selecting the Add button. See the Add New Accumulator help topic for more information.

Accumulator Information

Name - This field displays the name of the currently selected accumulator. You can change this name by making the desired modification, then choosing the Save button.

Short Name - Enter an abbreviated name for the accumulator. The short name will be used by GrandMaster when space restrictions limit the use of the full name.

Alternate Name - Enter an alternate name for the accumulator. The alternate name can be used for the program's Alternate Language feature (e.g. to display the accumulator name in the appropriate language of each employee).

Short Alternate Name - Enter the short version for the alternate accumulator name. The short name will be used when space restrictions are limited for displaying or printing.


Enabled - Activates the group for use with this payroll.

Disabled - Deactivates the group. Choosing this option will prevent the group from being used in this payroll.

Specify the method that will be used to calculate this accumulated rate.

Individually - The accumulated rate will be entered by the user for each individual employee.

By Fixed Amount - The accumulated rate will be entered here as a fixed amount for all employees.

By Function - The accumulated rate will be calculated by eNETPayroll using the specified function. Note: Items appearing in this list are created via the Functions screen.

Pay Out As - Choose the earning to which this accumulator will be paid. Any payments applied to the chosen earning type will reduce the accumulated value. Note: Items appearing in this list are created via the Earnings screen.


Yes - Choose this radio button if you want to journalize the values calculated each pay period. The entry will debit all areas the employee worked and credit the accrued liability.

No - Choose this button if you do not want the accumulated values to be journalized.

Print Current Acrrued On Pay Statements - When checked the accrued amount (the amount accumulated/earned) in the pay sequence will be printed on the employee pay statements.

Print Balance On Pay Statements - When checked this accumulators balance (the amount that this accumulator holds) will be printed on the employee pay statements.

New - Opens the New Accumulator dialog box so you can add a new accumulator.

Save - Saves the current changes. Note: If you do not Save your changes, they will be discarded when you leave this tab.

Delete - Deletes the current selection.

Cancel - This button discards any changes you have made and restores the page to the last saved state.

Help - Opens this help page.

Close - Closes the dialog box.