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Edit Business Number

This dialog box allows you to view and edit the information for the current business number. The dialog box appears when you select the Edit button beside the Edit T4 page's Business Number field.


This list displays business numbers that exist in the current payroll. When a business number is selected, its corresponding information is displayed in the fields to the right of the list.

New business numbers can be added to this list by selecting the New button in the Business Number page.

Account Information

CCRA Business Number - This field shows the business number for the current account. The number is 15 characters long with the following format: 123456789RP0001. The first nine characters represent the actual business number; RP0001 represent payroll one; RP0002 represents payroll two, etc.

Revenue Québec Business Number - This field shows the Revenue Québec business number for the current account. The format of the number is similiar to the CCRA business number.

E.I. Rate - Enter the employer's Employment Insurance rate. If you have not applied for a reduced rate, the rate would be 1.4 times the employee rate. A reduced rate will vary based on the short and long term benefit plans (e.g. 1.298).

OK - This button saves your changes and closes the dialog box.

Help - This button displays this help page.

Cancel - This button discards your changes and closes the dialog box.